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Bacillus a Nitrifying Bacteria Probiotics Powder

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

Shrimp aquaculture, like other sectors, is continually in need of innovative strategies to boost output yield. Modern technologies, as well as other disciplines like biotechnology and microbiology, are key instruments that can lead to increased product quality and quantity.

Probiotics, such as lactic acid bacteria and Bacillus spp., can be added to the culture environment as "bio-friendly agents" to regulate and compete with pathogenic bacteria while also promoting the development of cultured organisms. Furthermore, when supplied to aquatic species, probiotics are nonpathogenic and harmless bacteria with no negative side effects.

By lowering the concentrations of organic materials (OM) and ammonia in fish and crustacean cultures, the probiotic combination enhanced water quality. This was achieved by a number of enzymatic reactions carried out in order by the different strains in the probiotic blend. By adding this mix to culture systems, the concentration of Vibrio strains was lowered, and infections caused by Vibrio strains were managed. Bacillus spp. have also been studied as probiotics, with potential applications including improving water quality by changing the composition of waterborne microbial communities and lowering the number of infections around farm species. As a result, the Bacilli are supposed to fight diseases in the aquatic environment (Irianto & Austin, 2002).

Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Acinetobacter, and Cellulomonas bacteria have been found to aid in the mineralization of organic water and the reduction of organic load buildup (Shariff et al. 2001). Furthermore, there have been several examples of microbial products being used in aquaculture ponds to increase ammonia removal rates. Prabhu et al. (1999) studied microorganisms in a shrimp farm to see whether they might be utilised to manage water quality. In comparison to the control, all elements of water-quality metrics were at optimal levels in the experimental ponds, according to the findings of this study.

In shrimp aquaculture, Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus offer an alternative to antibiotic treatment.

Bacillus subtilis is a gram-positive, nonpathogenic, spore-forming bacteria, and the spores' resilience is assumed to allow transit through the gastric barrier and population of the intestinal canal, although for a short time. Furthermore, the therapeutic effects of B. subtilis as an immunostimulatory agent in a range of human and animal disorders, as an in vitro and in vivo stimulant of secretor immunoglobulin A, and as an in vitro mitogenic agent have all been well investigated and reported.

Bacillus spp. mostly suppresses harmful bacteria, and if shrimp ingest it, it contributes to the shrimp's overall health, similar to how people take probiotics.

By mixing multiple Bacillus strains, we were able to find a product that was tightly packed and had a long shelf life. Bacillus has the advantage of generating heat-resistant spores, which may subsequently be spray-dried and combined with other nitrifying bacteria species to make products for a variety of uses.

When used as a nitrification booster during tank setup or as an additive to water changes, the shrimp tank's overall sustainability has increased significantly.


  1. Irianto A. Austin B. (2002) Probiotics in aquaculture. J Fish Dis25: 633–642.

  2. Prabhu N.M. Nazar A.R. Rajagopal S. Khan S.A. (1999) Use of probiotics in water quality management during shrimp culture. J Aqua Trop14: 227–236.

  3. Shariff M. Yusoff F.M. Devaraja T.N. Srinivasa Rao P.S. (2001) The effectiveness of a commercial microbial product in poorly prepared tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), ponds. Aquaculture Resh32: 181–187.

  4. Dead Shrimp Powder

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