"Changing the gravel in your shrimp aquarium is a piece of cake! All you need to do is empty out the old gravel, rinse the new gravel, and add it back in. It's that simple! You don't need to worry about disturbing the water chemistry or the beneficial bacteria that live in the substrate. And don't forget to move your shrimp to a temporary container while you're at it. They'll love the change of scenery! 😜"
On a more serious note, changing the substrate in your shrimp tank can be a bit tricky. You need to make sure you have enough beneficial bacteria and filtration to avoid crashing your tank's cycle. Additionally, if you're using an active or buffering substrate, you'll need to rehome your shrimp temporarily as these substrates leech ammonia into the water for a few weeks.

Changing the gravel in an aquarium can be a bit more involved than regular cleaning, but it’s manageable with proper preparation. One option for shrimp tanks is to use a container with gravel that can be swapped. Using a container to hold active substrate in a shrimp aquarium is a popular method among aquarists. This method involves placing the active substrate in a container that can be easily removed and replaced without disturbing the rest of the tank. This is especially useful for buffering substrates, which can leach ammonia into the water for several weeks after being added to the tank .
To use this method, you’ll need to select a container that is large enough to hold the amount of substrate you need. You can use a plastic container or a glass jar, depending on your preference. Once you have your container, you’ll need to fill it with your chosen substrate and add water to it. You can then place the container in your tank and cover it with a layer of sand or gravel to hide it from view .
When it’s time to change the substrate, you can simply remove the container from the tank and replace it with a new one. This will help prevent any disturbance to the rest of the tank and keep your shrimp happy and healthy.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to changing gravel in your aquarium:
Prepare a Temporary Tank: Before starting the gravel change, set up a temporary tank or container. This will hold your shrimps and other aquatic creatures during the process. Use water from the original tank and include hiding spots and decorations to reduce stress for your shrimps.
Turn Off Equipment: Switch off all electrical equipment in the tank, including filters, heaters, and air pumps.
Remove Some Water: To make the gravel removal easier and reduce the weight of the tank, remove about 25-30% of the water from the aquarium. You can use a siphon or aquarium pump to drain the water into a bucket.
Remove Decorations and Plants: Take out any decorations, live plants, or ornaments from the tank and place them in a separate container with some tank water to keep them moist.
Catch and Transfer Fish: Carefully catch your fish using a net and gently place them in the temporary tank/container, with the water from their original tank.
Remove Old Gravel: With the tank now emptied of most of its water and its inhabitants in the temporary tank, start removing the old gravel. Use a scoop, net, or your hands to scoop out the old gravel. Be careful not to disturb the tank’s silicone or any decorations still inside.
Clean the Tank: After removing the old gravel, give the tank a thorough cleaning. Use a clean sponge or scraper to remove any algae or debris from the glass.
Add New Gravel: Rinse the new gravel thoroughly to remove any dust or debris. Add the clean gravel to the tank, spreading it evenly across the bottom.
Replace Decorations and Plants: Place the cleaned decorations and live plants back into the tank in their desired locations.
Refill the Tank: Slowly add the dechlorinated water back into the tank, being cautious not to disturb the new gravel too much. Fill the tank about two-thirds full and then gently add your fish back to the tank.
Monitor Water Parameters: Keep a close eye on the water parameters over the next few days to ensure the tank’s cycling process remains stable.
Turn On Equipment: Once everything is in place and your fish are settled, turn on the filters, heaters, and air pumps.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully changed the gravel in your shrimp aquarium. Now your shrimps can enjoy their new, fresh environment and you can bask in the glory of a job well done. Just remember, changing the gravel in your aquarium is no small feat. It requires patience, preparation, and a bit of elbow grease. But with these steps, you can make sure your aquatic pets are happy and healthy for years to come. So go ahead, pat yourself on the back and enjoy your beautiful new shrimp tank!